In the Beginning:
From 1973 through 1977, the Club was in its formative… certainly not its growth… years and met at various places for lunch with as few as 3 and probably, at its zenith, no more than 20 – 25 members attending. In those early years, we met at Nick Carter’s in the Central West End; then at Walter Mitty’s in the Clayton area across from the old Famous-Barr building on Forsyth; and, finally, at the Tropicana Bowl on Clayton Road near the Galleria.
At Nick Carter’s, there was no particular organization. Just “Mizzou football talk” among a very few (never more than 8) Tiger fans. Cafeteria-style lunches at Walter Mitty’s probably drew 30 – 35 sometimes, and on occasion horrible old black and white game films were shown. At Tropicana Bowl, we finally hit some stride with a stone-age speaker phone that hooked us up to Coach Al Onofrio in Columbia, during which President Pierce Liberman would act as moderator.

The Club Finds a Home:
During those formative years, we were really searching not only for our identity but for a format and place to meet from which we could build.. A genuine coincidence… my company’s move to the Community Federal Center in December of 1977 and a coaching change from Onofrio to Powers … provided the stimulus for a dependable place to meet on a regular basis. Community Federal’s second floor Blue Chip Room became our home room and provided a place where, every Thursday night about 15 times a year, people would know exactly where to go for Club functions, narrated game films and special guests.
Where We Are Today:
From these humble beginnings, the number of Club directors and supporters has grown significantly, and we have established a set number of events held annually that are very well attended. These events include our summer golf tournament which has taken place over the last several years at the beautiful Bogey Hills Country Club in St. Charles.

Historical Notes:
- Founded in 1973 the original name of the Club was “Mizzou Quarterback Club – St. Louis.”
- During a season or so of transition between the end of Community Federal and our beginnings at Edward Jones, the Club met in the lower level community room at Des Peres city hall.
- The old Community Federal Building that provided a “new home” for the Club back in 1977 is now the newly renovated
- Edward Jones Headquarters at Manchester and Highway 270, where Board meetings and major Club events are still being held today!
- The Club purchased and donated “Big Mo” to the Athletic Department in 1981. A six-foot wide bass drum weighing 150 pounds, it’s claimed by many to be the third largest drum in the world!
- Additional donations made by the Club to the Athletic Department include the Tiger Helmet Cart and the 12-foot high Truman the Tiger inflatable used at all home football games and other Tiger sporting events throughout the year.
- All money collected by the Club, net of expenses, is donated to or for the benefit of the Athletic Department in the form of cash and other gifts.