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This years speakers and dates have been announced! Each fall, the club holds several “tailgate” happy hours. This year our venue is located at Llywelyn’s Pub in Webster Groves. These events are free to all comers and feature guest speakers ranging from sports writers and radio personalities to Mizzou football coaches. Special prices for appetizers and drinks will be offered. Raffles are often a part of the programs, with prizes that include prime tickets and parking passes to one or more upcoming Tiger sports events.

Although walk-ins are welcome, we strongly recommend reserving a seat so please email Rancy Hastings at

Upcoming Dates & Speakers
Thursday, September 26th ~ Howard Richards, Former Mizzou Tiger and Dallas Cowboy and current radio football commentator
Thursday, October 17th ~ Homecoming Warmup with Randy Karraker from 101ESPN Radio
Thursday, November 21st ~ TBD